Indian Hockey🏑:Near Extinction

Introduction : You wake up in the morning and the first thing that comes to your mind is the India – Pakistan Hockey match, which is all set to begin at 3 p.m., today. As the day passes and I am all geared up to watch the match, I see the roads are all deserted, yet the televisions aren’t switched on.India is a nation of sport freaks and to find only a few old people watching the game on the television set is very surprising. When I stop by to ask why, all they say is ‘stop wondering, it’s just a hockey match’. This is the sad story of our national game. Hockey has a history of over a century in our country. This is the only game that gave India international fame in the sports arena. India participated in the Olympics in 1928 and won the Gold in Hockey. India won 6 straight consecutive gold medals in Hockey till 1956. This period 1928-1956 is hence called the golden era of Indian Hockey. No Indian team till date has reached close to breaking this ...